Industry Administration and Guidance

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Tourist Amusement Enterprises

The number of amusement parks in Taiwan increased by two to 28 in 2022 with the addition of Shang Shun World and JOJOZOO Park. As the COVID-19 pandemic subsided, the total number of amusement park visitors returned to pre-pandemic levels. Compared to 2021, the number of amusement park visitors rose by 45% to 17.04 million and revenue increased by 23% to more than NT$14.2 billion.

Industry Guidance and Management

To support the post-pandemic recovery and transformation of the amusement park industry, the Tourism Bureau provided subsidies to operators in 2022 for investment in new facilities, innovative services, digital hardware, establishment of contactless entry services, and other quality improvements under the "Safe Amusement Park" policy directive. A total of 21 businesses applied for subsidies amounting to NT$54.79 million. The subsidies stimulated about NT$110 million in industry investment, creating a safe post-pandemic amusement park environment.

The Tourism Bureau implemented a three-tier management mechanism according to the "Regulations for the Management of Amusement Enterprises'' and "Key Points on Supervision and Assessment of Operation Management and Safety Maintenance of Tourist Amusement Park Enterprises." This mechanism involves quarterly self-inspections by amusement parks and routine biannual inspections by the local authorities. In addition, the Amusement Park Supervision and Evaluation Competition was held from August to October 2022 to strengthen the safety of recreational facilities and emergency response mechanisms. To meet the post-pandemic talent shortage and trends in the amusement industry, the bureau launched a talent matchmaking program in partnership with the Workforce Development Agency under the Ministry of Labor, including precision matchmaking with both online and offline channels. Businesses were encouraged to participate in various employment promotion subsidy programs. In 2022, assistance was provided to businesses in filling 544 job vacancies. The bureau also conducted the 2022 Amusement Park Industry Training Program, attended by 60 mid- to high-level business managers and related personnel from the amusement park industry. This assistance helped businesses to strengthen post-pandemic management, introduce innovative services for visitor experiences, and adopt smart park solutions to reduce labor needs and improve service quality and satisfaction.

The Amusement Park Industry Supervision and Evaluation Competition helps to ensure amusement park quality
The Amusement Park Industry Optimization Plan attracted more than NT$110 million in investment

Marketing and Promotion

The Domestic Travel Voucher economic stimulation program continued through the start of 2022. The Tourism Bureau introduced the "Million Dollar Bonus Lucky Draw" and the "Second Round Domestic Travel Voucher Bonus Draw" for the amusement park industry. These initiatives supported a more than 70% voucher utilization rate and attracted 7.4 million visitors to amusement parks. Under the "Let's Go! Amusement Park Discount" program from July 15 to October 7, 2022, amusement park operators received subsidies for 70% discounts on weekday admission, attracting 1.44 million visitors and generating an estimated NT$5.7 billion in tourism revenue during the activity period.

In order to help the amusement park industry continue to promote domestic tourism and advance international marketing in conjunction with border reopening, the Tourism Bureau partnered with the Taiwan Amusement Park Association to arrange the "Taiwan Amusement Park" theme pavilion at the 2022 Taipei International Travel Fair. The pavilion created an exhibition space highlighting the unique attractions of various theme parks and featured a number of interactive activities, including an amusement park mascot parade, performances by online celebrities, popular science, ecology and cultural experiences, and tabletop game contests. These activities promoted exclusive fair discounts and offers from amusement park operators, publicized the diversity of all-ages thematic amusement park tours, and enhanced the overall image of the amusement park industry.

The Amusement Park Industry Supervision and Evaluation Competition helps to ensure amusement park quality
The 'Amusement Park in Taiwan' pavilion at the 2022 Taipei International Travel Fair offerer an array of special offers from amusement park operators