Local tourism

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Enhancing Tourism Information Services with Digital Technology

The Tourism Bureau is expanding the use of digital technology, such as online experiences and website optimization, to tap opportunities for tourism innovation and transformation in the post-COVID-19 era. These efforts aim to provide domestic and international visitors with information customized to their specific needs to facilitate trip planning and enhance tourism experiences.

Creating a Bike Metaverse and Marketing Taiwan as a Cycling Paradise

The Tourism Bureau developed the concept of a cycling metaverse with the production of a video highlighting the Dapeng Bay cycling route. The video was compatible with the online promotional specifications of international indoor cycling platforms and presented to global members of the indoor cycling app Rouvy in an online cycling competition. This allowed users to virtually experience the charms of cycling in Taiwan from home. The bureau arranged a three-week online ranked competition. It also held a global in-person challenge on December 17, 2022, attracting 20,000 participants from 35 countries.

Screenshot from the Rouvy indoor cycling platform

Optimizing Tourism Data Standards: Revising Version 2.0 In Line with Domestic and International Standards.

In 2022, the Tourism Bureau introduced a 2.0 version of its Tourism Data Standards. These standards integrate multimedia tourism information from open data platforms, including data on attractions, events, dining, accommodations, hiking trails, and bikeways throughout Taiwan. The new standards also cover travel service stations and other areas, including 28,000 basic information records in seven GIS categories. The "Tourist Information Standard V2.0" is available for public download in XML format for use via the government's open data platform.

Digital Applications of a Big Data Platform for Tourism: Tracking Visitor Flows at Visitor Attractions

The Tourism Bureau continued to enhance the analytical functions of its big data platform, increasing links to e-invoices, credit card transactions, and other external data sources. The bureau also leveraged telecom data to track real-time visitor flows at popular sites in national scenic areas and developed a dashboard to present the information. In addition, the bureau combined accommodation data from the platform with external data to create a geotag-based data analysis model for hotels. The model serves as a basis for analyzing traveler preferences, including accommodations, cuisine, local specialty products, and customized itineraries.

Scenic Area e-Management: Implementing E-commerce Management

The Tourism Bureau established digital ticketing and diversified payment systems at popular attractions in national scenic areas. These systems bring together mobile payments, electronic ticketing, self-service ticket machines, electronic gate scanning, online ticket reservations, and other contactless entry technology services to effectively manage visitor traffic at popular spots.

Warning Dashboard
Accommodation Geotag Data Analysis Model
Automated Ticket Machine on Heping Island

Promoting Taiwan through Integrated Online and Offline Media

The Tourism Bureau has raised its profile on social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and LINE@. This has enhanced the bureau’s ability to deliver travel information and attract internet users to engage in tourism activities. The social media efforts included: 1) launching two sets of LINE stickers that had 495,000 downloads, 2) conducting two streaming events featuring celebrities and internet influencers sharing their travel experiences, and 3) producing four videos attracting a total of 377,000 views to effectively promote local tourism resources and attract visitors to experience tourism in Taiwan.

The Tourism Bureau also partnered with the LINE travel platform to push 19 real-time tourism event notifications to targeted travel enthusiasts via LINE. A dedicated page was set up to introduce and stream content garnering 325,000 views. Moreover, the bureau organized a variety of themed events to collect stories of summer travel in Taiwan, inviting the public to share their own cool summer escapes and see Taiwan's beauty in its many varied colors.

OhBear LINE sticker set
Michelin Guide Kaohsiung