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The New Normal after COVID-19

Advancing into a New Era of Sustainable Tourism

Through the protracted battle against COVID-19, the tourism industry and the Tourism Bureau joined hands to weather the peak of the pandemic. They then worked together through the stages of relief, prevention, and recovery, and continued to advance the quality of domestic travel and promote international tourism in the post-pandemic era.

In 2023, Taiwan's tourism industry has continued its significant transition into a post-pandemic era aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the 2050 net zero emission policy. Through collaboration among various sectors and the government, Taiwan is embracing a post-pandemic era of sustainable, green tourism rooted in three key strategies: "product optimization, service enhancement, and strategic positioning." Under this plan, Taiwan aims to sustainably develop tourism and accelerate towards the goal of attracting six million visitors to Taiwan.

Product Optimization

The Tourism Bureau will enhance unique themed tourism events, including the Taiwan Lantern Festival, Taiwan Summer Tourism Festival, Taiwan Cycling Festival, and Taiwan Top-10 Hot Springs event, as well as emerging recreational activities, such as camping, water activities, and national greenway travel. The bureau will also promote diverse theme tours, including tourism circle regional travel, senior-friendly travel, and Golden Tours.

Service Upgrading

The Tourism Bureau will strengthen digital operations in the tourism industry, promote visitor and traffic flow management in tourism areas, and introduce AR and VR digital experiences. The bureau will also support the industry with branding, promotion of a new Hotel Star Rating system, bicycle-friendly accommodations, and certification of sustainable accommodations, environmental education sites, and green tourism destinations.

Strategic Positioning

The Tourism Bureau will maintain the momentum of domestic tourism by enhancing the overall tourism environment and adopting a range of innovative marketing and promotion methods aimed at generating buzz for domestic travel and attracting new visitors to emerging attractions. The bureau will also accelerate the recovery of the inbound tourism market through comprehensive cross-border promotional strategies, digital marketing, expanded partnerships with online travel agencies, and physical events with coordinated online and offline campaigns to maintain Taiwan's high profile in major visitor source markets. Furthermore, the bureau will work closely with local governments and industries, strengthen and further leverage cross-industry cooperation, and integrate tourism circle resources to collaboratively attract visitors.