Promotion of Tourism Resource Policies and Laws
Camping Promotion and Guidance
There are currently 190 legal campgrounds, about 80% of which are located on agricultural, grazing, and forestry lands and cannot be legally approved due to violations of land use regulations. To resolve this problem, the Ministry of the Interior amended Article 6, Appendix 1 of the Regulations Governing the Utilization Control of Non-Urban Land on July 20, 2022. The changes, made with consideration to homeland security and agricultural land safety, relaxed rules on establishing "camping facilities" (campsites, sanitation facilities, and management offices) on agricultural and forestry land areas under one hectare in size. On the same day, the MOTC announced the Campsite Management Guidelines.
Under the principle of “central government establishment of management mechanisms and joint guidance and implementation by local governments,” a task specialization framework was formed with local governments involving the establishment of guidance mechanisms, symposiums, assistance with campsite application queries, and supervision of local enforcement to actively help legally compliant campground applicants obtain land use permits and register legal campsites.
- On October 25, 2022, the "Guidelines for the Establishment of a Central Government Agency Coordination and Joint Supervisory Group for Campground Management" were established as a basis for forming an inter-agency team to implement campground management and assistance by municipality and county (city) governments in reviewing applications for campground establishment to protect homeland security and public safety.
Establishing Assistance Mechanisms and Guidelines
Conducted 34 regulatory explanation meetings (three inter-agency coordination meetings on campgrounds, 22 meetings on local government advocacy and guidance on campground regulations, and nine symposiums on campgrounds in indigenous areas.
On November 16, 2022, 33 clarifications on campground application queries from relevant agencies compiled during local government symposiums were sent to local governments and published on camping platforms.
- On December 16, 2022, a template for campground land use permit applications and plans was completed and sent to local governments for publication on camping platforms.
Salute to the Seas
Carried out the Salute to the Seas Coastal Preservation Plan in collaboration with local township and city offices; and established "regular cleaning," "immediately cleaning," and "emergency cleaning" mechanisms. A total of 78,808 people were mobilized to remove 5,538.2 metric tons of trash and clean 9,634 kilometers of coastline over the year.