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Tourism Administration, M.O.T.C. Republic of China



Development of the ROC tourism industry at the government level began in 1956. In September of 1960, with the approval of the Executive Yuan, a Committee of Tourism was set up within the Ministry of Transportation and Communications(MOTC). This committee was reorganized in October 1966 as the Tourism Council. Finally, on Dec. 29, 1972, the Tourism Bureau was established under the MOTC with the responsibility for the administration, execution and development of the nation's domestic and international tourism policies.

On June 7 ,2023, promulgated the "Organization Act of the Tourism Administration, MOTC." As part of this Act, on September 15, 2023 the Tourism Bureau became the Tourism Adminitration, MOTC. This is a dedicated tourism organization with a combined responsibility for policy planning and implementation.

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"Sustained support for national tourism and expanding Taiwan's international market" are key themes in "Taiwan Tourism – Toward 2025," a five-year plan (2021-2025) produced by the Taiwan Tourism Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC). The plan, approved by the Executive Yuan, contains measures and objectives designed to enhance Taiwan’s tourism industry. Many of these are related to environmental infrastructure, and upgrading the quality of national scenic spots and key local tourist attractions. The plan contains five core strategies, aligned with "Taiwan's Five 'Goods' ," from which flow action plans promoting industrial transformation.

  1. "Taiwan's Charm – Enhanced Attractions."
    The goal here is to create and enhance attractions, particularly those reflecting Taiwan's charm. Construction and renovation of attractions is a key element of this. Forward-looking construction is emphasized, including the creation of six new scenic attractions designed to be particularly attractive to international travelers. Local tourism spots are also to be upgraded, and the creation of "tourism corridors" is an important theme.
  2. "Taiwan's Diversity – An Emphasis on Themed Tourism."
    The plan includes proposals to expand themed tourism, which is well-suited to highlighting Taiwan's diversity. This effort requires increased cross-domain cooperation and integration of tourism circle resources. The four major themes of ecology, culture, food and LOHAS also need to be better integrated to provide for diverse, in-depth and attractive tourism itineraries. Such themes and itineraries can promote the diversity and excitement of Taiwan travel experiences.
  3. "Taiwan's Good Service – Optimize the sector environment."
    This strategy focuses on improving the tourism infrastructure, often from the bottom up. Key elements include enhancing services and safety, as well as promoting digitalization, innovation and brand development. Skills learned amid the challenges of the pandemic will also help strengthen the overall tourism environment. The goal is for the excellence of Taiwan service with Taiwan charm to touch the hearts of visitors.
  4. "Taiwan Easy Travels - Promoting Digitalization and New Technologies."
    The plan includes measures focused on using new technologies to improve the travel experience in Taiwan. One key area is better managing the flow of people and vehicles at popular scenic spots. Digitalization of services and new AR/VR experiences are also part of the proposals. These types of investments can provide increased real-time information, making it even easier for travelers to enjoy the beauty of Taiwan.
  5. "Taiwan's New Visitors - Expanding the Sources of Tourists."
    The goal is not only to increase the number of international visitors, but to provide more themes and activities for them to explore in Taiwan during their visits. Another goal is to upgrade the quality of existing attractions. New marketing programs approaches also play an important role in expanding international awareness of Taiwan tourism and attracting more visitors. As new attractions are created, these must be marketed to increase awareness of these opportunities in the international market. Marketing is to be increased, including new investments in digital and social media marketing, including cooperation with on-line travel agencies (OTA). Increased participation in large-scale travel exhibitions and themed exhibitions in online/offline tourism marketing circles will be promoted, as will cross-industry cooperation. These combined efforts are all designed to make Taiwan a first-choice among travelers as they step out of the post-pandemic environment and begin once again to explore the world.
Last Updated:2024/05/06
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