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Tourism Administration, M.O.T.C. Republic of China


2010 Tourism Policies

Implementation of "Project Vanguard for Excellence in Tourism" and advancement toward the goals of "development of international tourism, enhancement of domestic travel quality, and increased foreign-exchange revenues" to bring Taiwan¡¦s new tourism allure to the attention of the world.

Focal Points of Tourism Policy Implementation in 2010
  • Implementation of the "Project Vanguard for Excellence in Tourism (2009-2012)" and promotion of the "Project Summit," "Project Keystone," and "Project Propeller" action plans so as to enhance Taiwan¡¦s tourism quality image.
  • Implementation of the "Medium-term Plan for Construction of Major Tourist Sites (2008-2011)" to firmly establish the directions of development for national scenic areas and focus on the unique features of different localities, carry out the graded reconstruction of recreational and service facilities at major tourist sites, and recreate the glory of tourist spots.
  • Promotion of healthy travel, development of Green Island and Little Liuqiu as low-carbon tourist islands, and creation of new spotlights in tourism development, as well as continued implementation of the "Eastern Taiwan Bikeway Network Demonstration Plan," reconstruction of classic bikeway facilities, introduction of LOHAS itineraries, holding of large-scale international cycling competitions, and realization of "green tourism" with energy conservation and carbon reduction.
  • Coordination with the centennial of the Republic of China in the formulation of a "Tour Taiwan and Experience the Centennial" action plan designed to mold the alluring elements of Taiwan tourism and attract international tourists to the island.
  • Promotion of "Taiwan Easy Go," implementation of a "seamless travel service plan for tourist sites," and offering of assistance to local governments for the provision of a full range of convenient travel information and other services in regard to the linking of transportation networks, the integration of tickets, etc.
Last Updated:2023/02/20
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