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East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area


Liyu Lake Environmental Education Center invites you to meet the lovely wild birds.

Date:111-07-26 Hits:3,426

On June 18, 2022, the East Rift Valley National Scenic Area Administration of Tourism Bureau, MOTC held a wild bird training course for "Wild Bird Encyclopedia" lecturers at Liyu Lake. A total of 22 trainees participated in the course. After passing the assessment, they will take part in the environmental education work at Liyu Lake.
Liyu Lake Environmental Education Center invites you to meet the lovely wild birds. (1)
The Wild Bird Encyclopedia is a program at Liyu Lake Environmental Education Center certified by the Environmental Protection Administration. Its content focuses on learning about the common wild birds found in eastern Taiwan, as well as educating the public about the ecological function and value of wild birds. Liyu Lake offers a diverse habitat, including water, land, and artificial viewing areas where the species of birds vary. As many as 46 species of birds from 30 families have been documented in one season, most of which are species commonly found in the low-altitude areas of eastern Taiwan. Species here are uncomplicated and easy to observe, suitable for bird-watching beginners. In recent years, people in Taiwan have begun to pursue a healthy life, and birdwatching and photography is gradually becoming a trend. However, the misconduct of bird luring and photo-taking has also been reported. Liyu Lake Environmental Education Center has specially developed the Wild Bird Encyclopedia program to improve the birdwatching literacy of the general public, who is urged to always observe the rules and respect the wildlife.
Liyu Lake Environmental Education Center invites you to meet the lovely wild birds. (2)
Director Kuo Chenling of the East Rift Valley Administration stated that, the birds that appear at Liyu Lake vary by season and the changes to the environment. Visitors should carefully observe the shape and chirping of birds in different seasons and environments. In the Wild Bird Encyclopedia program, lecturers will guide visitors through learning about the common birds at Liyu Lake, including the Taiwan barbet (Psilopogon nuchalis), black bulbul (Hypsipetes leucocephalus), maroon oriole (Oriolus traillii), and crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela), all of which can be seen throughout the year. In September to October, the Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis) and grey-faced buzzard (Butastur indicus) can be observed. In winter, water birds (Anatidae) and small migratory birds can be seen. Lecturers will also educate visitors on the meaning of "what's for birds today will be for humans tomorrow" - if wild birds cannot survive in today's environment, humans will not be able to survive in the future either. This saying implies that wild birds are an essential environmental indicator with important ecological function and value.
Liyu Lake Environmental Education Center invites you to meet the lovely wild birds. (3)
The Wild Bird Encyclopedia program is expected to be launched in August 2022. The general public, schools, and organizations are welcome to inquire and make reservations on the website of East Rift Valley National Scenic Area Environmental Education. During the promotion period, the program is free of charge. Seize the opportunity and come meet the lovely wild birds at Liyu Lake.

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Last Updated:112-07-24
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