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East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area


Ride a bike through the East Rift Valley like a breeze! Enjoy your summer vacation with the new cycling tours!

Date:111-08-18 Hits:3,667

MOTC has planned 16 cycling routes across the country based on Taiwan's road network around the island, connecting railway tourism, regional bike paths, and featured attractions. Among them, the East Rift Valley National Scenic Area Administration of Tourism Bureau, MOTC (hereinafter the ERV-NSAA) launched three diverse routes under the “Slow Cycling Tours of the East Rift Valley” brand to promote in-depth travel by combining natural, cultural, scenic, and recreational resources. Today (June 29), the "2022 Slow Cycling Tours of the East Rift Valley Press Conference" was held at the Little White House Exhibition Hall of National Taiwan Museum – Nanmen Branch.
輕鬆騎乘,徐行縱谷!「暑假安心遊」自行車促銷遊程搶先體驗! (4)
Lin Peijun, director secretary of Tourism Bureau, MOTC, stated at the press conference that, in order to continuously revitalize the domestic tourism market and support the tourism industry through the challenges of the pandemic, a new stimulus package will be launched from July 15. It is hoped that the industry will be ready to receive customers. The three routes launched by ERV-NSAA under the "Slow Cycling Tours of the East Rift Valley" brand include "Cycling through Taroko Gorge X Huilan Manbo," which allows visitors to enjoy the mountain and ocean view of Taroko Gorge on a bike; "the Healing Forest X Entering the Black Bear Country," in which you can follow Bunun people to the healing nature of Walami Trail where black bears reside; and "Rice Culture X Chishang Pastoral Scenery," where you can ride through the rice waves to visit Guanshan and Chishang. All of them are highly suitable for post-pandemic travels. Lin Peijun stated that, after watching the film, she is keen on traveling to the East Rift Valley herself.  All are encouraged to consider visiting.
輕鬆騎乘,徐行縱谷!「暑假安心遊」自行車促銷遊程搶先體驗! (1)
Hong Zongkai, executive director of Eastern Taiwan Joint Services Center of Executive Yuan, also stated that, the East Rift Valley is rich in tourism resources. From Taroko in the north to Taitung in the south, there are wonderful places worth visiting again and again. Zhang Yaocheng, the mayor of Chishang Township in Taitung County, expressed warm welcome to all participants of the Slow Cycling Tours of the East Rift Valley. Combined with the hot air balloon festival, visiting the East Rift Valley will be like travelling abroad. All are most welcome.
輕鬆騎乘,徐行縱谷!「暑假安心遊」自行車促銷遊程搶先體驗! (2)
The press conference also invited three travel experts who have participated in the trial and promotion event of Slow Cycling Tours of the East Rift Valley to share their experiences, including a Hualien local, Wu Dongjun from Ya Travel; well-known travel expert and opinion leader, Worker Ken; and travel blogger who collaborates with LINE Travel, Rongrong. Ke Boxi, Section Chief of the Tourism and Marketing Section of Hualien County Government; Wu Caixun, Executive Secretary of Hualien County Tourism Association; Yeh Chenjin, Chairman of Hualien County Homestay Association; Lian Xiangyuan, Chairman of Hualien County Antong Hot Spring Tourism Association; Liu Lingling, Chairman of Hualien Circle Development Association; and Tu Linyuan, Chairman of Taitung Association of Travel Agents also attended the event. The electric bike used in the tour was also on display at the press conference. With pedaling as the main source of momentum and the electric motor providing assistance, this type of bike allows the cyclists to go further and more easily.
輕鬆騎乘,徐行縱谷!「暑假安心遊」自行車促銷遊程搶先體驗! (9)
Director Kuo Chenling stated that, from June 30, 2022, packages for the 3 cycling routes will be officially on sale on Tripbaa with the first wave of promotions provided to those who are keen to be the first to try them out. During the promotion period from June 30 to July 31, 2022, a discount of 1,000NTD on the fee will be applied to any group of 4 people traveling together, limited to a total of 290 groups. Visitors who travel solo can participate in the Go Bike TAIWAN certification program. Complete any route and record your journey, you will have the opportunity to redeem for limited gifts at designated locations!
輕鬆騎乘,徐行縱谷!「暑假安心遊」自行車促銷遊程搶先體驗! (3)
The ERV-NSAA hopes that in the future, through the relaxed speed of bicycles and with the assistance of electric bikes, visitors can travel in East Rift Valley at ease and enjoy in-depth tours of its rich culture and natural landscape.

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Last Updated:112-07-24
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