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East Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters


The Tourism Administration, MOTC achieved great results in sustainable tourism by winning six Green Destination awards – The Moonlight Sea Concerts has bagged yet another prize

Date:112-10-11 Hits:329

The East Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters of Tourism Administration, MOTC (hereinafter the ECNSAH) was selected as one of the "2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories" in the Environment and Climate category by the Dutch non-profit organization Green Destinations Foundation for its "Moonlight Sea Concerts on the East Coast of Taiwan - Sustainability in Action."

In order to promote in-depth art tourism on the East Coast, the ECNSAH connects local culture, local life, and the natural environment to create the East Coast Land Arts Festival in 2015. The core concept of "leisure philosophy, sightseeing gaze, and land aesthetics" was proposed, advocating the symbiosis of art and nature. In the second year, music elements were incorporated, and the Moonlight Sea Concerts were born at Torik Visitor Center. The event has since become a highlight of the East Coast. Combining the unique moonlit seascape of the East Coast, diverse music and art performances, an art market, and exhibitions, the concerts showcase the rich culture and simple lifestyle of the East Coast.

In order to promote in-depth art tourism on the East Coast, the ECNSAH connects local culture, local life, and the natural environment to create the East Coast Land Arts Festival in 2015. The core concept of "leisure philosophy, sightseeing gaze, and land aesthetics" was proposed, advocating the symbiosis of art and nature. In the second year, music elements were incorporated, and the Moonlight Sea Concerts were born at Torik Visitor Center. The event has since become a highlight of the East Coast. Combining the unique moonlit seascape of the East Coast, diverse music and art performances, an art market, and exhibitions, the concerts showcase the rich culture and simple lifestyle of the East Coast.

The ECNSAH joined the Green Destinations evaluation program at the beginning of this year with the hope of letting the world know about the East Coast's efforts in sustainable tourism. The focus of the story that has been selected for the award was not how grand the concerts, the stage, or the cast were; but how, while holding a large-scale event, the core concept of waste reduction, environmental protection, respect for local culture, and land balance was upheld and practiced. This is the outcome of the continuous efforts of every partner, vendor, and more than 20,000 participants of the Moonlight Sea Concerts on the East Coast every year who strive to practice a sustainable lifestyle.

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Last Updated:113-01-18
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