Wufeng District has the Lin Family Garden, a national monument; the Democratic Assembly Affairs Park of Legislative Yuan that witnessed the development of Taiwan's democracy; the Guang Fu New Village, the first cultural landscape in Taichung City; the Music and Culture Park, the 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan, etc. It is rich in historical stories and has future development opportunities. We aim to promote local tourism by fully connecting the existing scenic spots of Lishan, Baguashan, and Lion's Head Mt. so people can see Wufeng again and stimulate the domestic and foreign tourist streams.
Part of Wufeng is officially within this office's jurisdiction. Therefore, the Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area Headquarters has organized exciting activities and invited residents and people interested in tourism in the Wufeng area to participate. The diverse and rich activities include a cocktail party on the lawn to explore the food, a bicycle ride for an in-depth local tour, and an amazingly arranged lawn concert. We hope that the participants will have a better understanding of the Wufeng area.