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Alishan National Scenic Area Headquarters


The 2024 Alishan Photography Contest is starting!

Date:113-04-17 Hits:3

The Alishan National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC will hold the "2024 Alishan Photography Contest" from today until October 31, 2024. Alishan is an internationally renowned and familiar destination for domestic and foreign tourists. Sunrise, the sea of clouds, railways, forests, and sunset are all classic impressions of Alishan, with different scenic features and changes in appearance from late spring to early winter. Here, there are stunning hiking trails with spectacular sunrise and flowing clouds (such as Eryanping, Tefuye, Erjianshan, Dinghu Trails, etc.), as well as green strongholds with exquisite tea gardens and coffee scenery (such as 1314 Haishushan, Dafengcheng Sunrise Peak, Lalauya Tribe, etc.). Besides, there are also ecological environments rich in flora and fauna (such as Yuantan Ecological Park, Fenqihu Firefly Trail, Guanghua Community, Gongxing Forest and Ecological Park, etc.), as well as unique and magnificent natural terrain and landscapes (such as Guanyin Waterfall, Swallow Cliff, 1000 Year Bat Cave, etc.), all of which are romantic recreational focuses that you cannot miss in Alishan.

The director stated that the beauty of Alishan is a tourist attraction that attracts tourists from home and abroad. The Headquarters hopes that the contestants will use their travel memories of Alishan, through unique and professional photography composition, to experience and capture the beautiful impression of Alishan from different perspectives during different tourist seasons and present the unique classic style of Alishan!

This photography competition has 39 prizes, the highest being NTD 50,000 and up to 260,000! Participants also have the opportunity to win a professional photography lens award provided by "Taiwan general agent of OM SYSTEM--Yuan Industry Co. Ltd." The Headquarters invites you to visit Alishan and leave your most beautiful photography works. Submit your works quickly, and you will have the opportunity to let more people appreciate Alishan's unique and stunning scenery!

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Last Updated:113-07-01
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