Optimizing the Industry Environment

In accordance with the Directions for the Tourism Bureau, MOTC on Subsidies to Assist the Promotion of Travel Agency Development, the Tourism Bureau arranged subsidies to boost travel agencies brand development and help agencies to upgrade, develop, increase market competitiveness, improve service quality, strengthen tourism safety, and develop new tourism products. However, the subsidy applications were postponed to August 17, 2021, during the Level 3 COVID alert period. Five applications were processed, with a total subsidy amount of about NT$12.68 million. They included four applications related to industry upgrading, service transformation, and market development. A total of 1,931 travel operators applied for subsidies.
The Tourism Bureau assisted the Travel Quality Assurance Association ROC in the selection of 2021 Domestic T.Q. Golden Award Tours to strengthen the quality of domestic tourism and promote the upgrading and development of the domestic tourism market. A total of 21 diverse and integrated domestic tours were selected to strengthen marketing and promotion through travel fairs and the media (including online channels) and improve domestic tourism quality.
With COVID changing the pattern of consumer behavior, digital marketing has become the market mainstream. To help companies retain talent, the Tourism Bureau arranged the Training Course on Digital Applications and Post-COVID Management for Mid-Level and Senior Tourism Industry Personnel. It also planned courses on digital applications and post-COVID management to strengthen awareness of digital trends among middle and high-level personnel and ways to apply them in business management to ensure competitive advantage.
The Tourism Bureau promoted the development of more customized and visitor-friendly tours through refinement of the domestic travel market, service quality improvements, and digital upgrading. Digital travel platforms were used to support integration of travel related elements and incorporate COVID prevention concepts in services to create a new contact-free, personalized, and customized travel mode.
Training Course on Digital Applications and Post-COVID Management for Mid-Level and Senior Tourism Industry Personnel
Implementing Travel Safety Management

The Tourism Bureau strengthened regulatory and promotional guidance to travel agencies in establishing travel safety concepts, as well as conducted inspections on implementation of travel safety rules. The bureau also continued to jointly inspect tour bus safety with the Directorate General of Highways, including during the Lunar New Year, Wuling Farm Cherry Blossom Season, and long-weekend holidays. Tour buses were stopped for checks and group audits at major tourist attractions, national highway rest stops, and road inspection points to implement tourism quality and safety management work. A total of 695 tour bus inspections were conducted in 2021.
In conjunction with the stabilizing COVID situation in Taiwan, the Tourism Bureau released the Management Measures for COVID Prevention in Group Tours Arranged by Travel Agencies to provide travel agencies with methods to follow in handling group tours during COVID alert periods in order to protect traveler safety and stabilize the quality of domestic travel.
Protecting Consumer Rights
The Tourism Bureau added a Consumer Protection page to its website to promptly announce travel agencies subject to disciplinary business suspension, license revocation, and discretionary business suspension and dissolution to protect consumer rights.
In 2021, the Tourism Bureau accepted and coordinated the handling of 611 consumer disputes (including travel disputes and appeals and guidance to members of the Travel Quality Assurance Association, ROC in the mediation of travel disputes and appeals), of which 379 cases were reconciled, representing 62.03% of the total.