Promotion of Tourism Resource Policies and Laws
Camping Promotion and Guidance
A Campsite Inventory Information Platform for Campground Authorities was established to provide information on legal campgrounds and promote safe camping activities.
To assist campsite operators in applying for campground establishment, a preliminary consensus was reached to amend the List of Permitted Land Uses and Detailed Schedule of Permitted Uses under Appendix 1, Article 6 of the Regulations on Non-urban Land Use Control to allow "camping facilities" on farming, grazing, and forestry lands, as well as provisos stipulating the laws to be followed, rules on facility scale, and excluded locations.

Hot Spring Resource Management
The Tourism Bureau provided guidance to 13 county and city governments in formulating hot spring area management plans. It also approved the announcement of 25 hot spring areas and helped local governments strengthen horizontal linkages among their various administrations and departments to enhance the operation and management of hot spring areas and maintain quality.
The Tourism Bureau established review and certification mechanisms for hot spring inspection units. In 2021, twelve hot springs inspection agencies (institutions) were approved to perform hot spring quality inspections.
The “Notices for Hot Spring Management by Local Governments” was formulated to assist and guide 13 local county and city governments in issuing Hot Spring Marks.